Sank Billions Of Dollars Investors And Downturn in the world After Winning  Trump 

In the recent US presidential election victory of the Republican candidate Donald Trump has been unexpectedly severe downturn trend in markets around the world have sunk billions of dollars to investors.
Elections in the United States after the victory of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton's defeat stocks markets around the world, including Pakistan, the currency rate and the view of the uncertain situation in gold prices.Pakistan 100 Index of stocks among the best markets in the world went down 700 points at a time.Similarly, Mumbai, Tokyo, Shanghai and Sydney was also the trend of decline in the stock market.
Presidential election results also affected the currency markets, the stock markets and the increase in the value of other currencies against the dollar, exchange Currency Association to open Euro price which was expensive Euro Rs 2.30 Market above 116.70 was 119 bucks, saw British pound price increase in the open market and the British pound was at Rs 132.80 up 1.03 rupees to 131.80 Japanese yen moved up 4% expensive.
US elections after global gold prices also hit, causing When the gold 51 dollar per ounce expensive Asian session in light suite price reduction of $ 66 cents per crude oil barrel price $ 32 was 43 cents 
